Quote of the Week

♥ The hardest is not knowing which bridge to burn and which bridge to build..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 27..

..a picture of yourself a year ago and how you have changed since then..
This picture is taken on trax when me and Chels went down and I did my final interview for my job. Now I have worked at CPK for a year, and am a host trainer. Which is a huge accomplishment for me. I am so grateful for everyone who have helped make this possible, all of my managers, mostly Kristy for helping me and the other managers believe that I can do this, and for giving me the push in the right direction. Thanks to Natalie for helping me finish everything, and believing in me. Thanks to John for working with me to get everything finished. Hopefully this will open some new doors for me and I can advance more at CPK.
I think I have also grown a lot as a person in this past year, I was going through a lot of crap a year ago. I have moved on and am moving forward. With awesome people in my life and great ambition in my bones. Hopefully a year from now, I will have a lot more awesome things to write in this section.

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